Asi pred troma rokmi mi kamarátka dala recept na Jablkový chlieb. Urobila som ho a všetkým nám tak zachutil, že teraz ho robím veľmi často. Včera som dostala jablká a prvé čo ma napadlo upiecť bol práve tento chlieb.
750 g nastrúhaných jabĺk
100 g mletých orechov
150 g hrozienok
250 g cukru
2 ČL perníkového korenia (môže byť aj zmes škorice a mletých klinčekov)
50 ml rumu
Všetko zmiešame a necháme v chladničke postáť cez noc.
Na druhý deň pridáme:
500 g hladkej múky
1 prášok do pečiva
štipku soli
Spracujeme cesto, vytvarujeme 4 bochníčky (cesto sa lepí, je potrebné múčiť), uložíme na plech (ja používam papier na pečenie) a pečieme pri 150°C asi 1 hod.
750 grams shreded apples;
100 grams walnuts;
150 g raisins;
250 g sugar;
2 teasponn gingerbread spice (it could also be cinnamon and clove powder);
50 ml rum ( or Rum essence in the US - the rum is not the same as we have)
Mix everything up and let cool in the fridge over night.
Next day add:
500 g all purpose flour;
1 packet of baking powder;
bit of salt
Work the dough, and create four larger rolls (the dough is very sticky, be generous with flour while working the dough). place on the baking sheet (I line mine with parchment paper) and bake at 150 Celsius for about and hour.
There converters available online for grams to pounds and celsius to farenheits.
Je sladký- jemne, my ho jeme ako koláč, nie ako klasický chlieb.
The bread is just a bit sweet, we like it as cake, not as a regular bread.
About three years ago my friend shared with the recipe for the Apple Bread. Ever since i made it the first time, it became our favorite, so I make it quite a bit now. I was given some apples yesterday and the fisrt that I thought of was this bread.
Recept:750 g nastrúhaných jabĺk
100 g mletých orechov
150 g hrozienok
250 g cukru
2 ČL perníkového korenia (môže byť aj zmes škorice a mletých klinčekov)
50 ml rumu
Všetko zmiešame a necháme v chladničke postáť cez noc.
Na druhý deň pridáme:
500 g hladkej múky
1 prášok do pečiva
štipku soli
Spracujeme cesto, vytvarujeme 4 bochníčky (cesto sa lepí, je potrebné múčiť), uložíme na plech (ja používam papier na pečenie) a pečieme pri 150°C asi 1 hod.
750 grams shreded apples;
100 grams walnuts;
150 g raisins;
250 g sugar;
2 teasponn gingerbread spice (it could also be cinnamon and clove powder);
50 ml rum ( or Rum essence in the US - the rum is not the same as we have)
Mix everything up and let cool in the fridge over night.
Next day add:
500 g all purpose flour;
1 packet of baking powder;
bit of salt
Work the dough, and create four larger rolls (the dough is very sticky, be generous with flour while working the dough). place on the baking sheet (I line mine with parchment paper) and bake at 150 Celsius for about and hour.
There converters available online for grams to pounds and celsius to farenheits.
Takto vyzerá pred upečením:
This is how it looks like before baked:
A takto keď je upečený:
And here after:
This is how it looks like before baked:
And here after:
The bread is just a bit sweet, we like it as cake, not as a regular bread.
dakujem za recept vyzera to super musim vyskusat