Po tom, ako som uplietla čiapku pre môjho manžela, rozhodla som sa upliesť ďalšiu a to pre snúbenca mojej sestry. Dohodli sme sa so sestrou na farbách, aké sa mu hodia a ja som mohla začať pliesť. Mám veľkú radosť, lebo čiapka sa mu páči. A tu je jej fotka aj s novým majiteľom.
After, I knited the hat for my husband, I decided to made another one for a fiance of my sister. I discussed the colors, that would suit him well, with my sister and then I was off to knit. I am very happy since the hat was well received. he liked it a lot. Here it is, modeled on the head of the new owner.
After, I knited the hat for my husband, I decided to made another one for a fiance of my sister. I discussed the colors, that would suit him well, with my sister and then I was off to knit. I am very happy since the hat was well received. he liked it a lot. Here it is, modeled on the head of the new owner.
No a už keď som sa tak rozplietla pre mužov našej rodiny, mohla by som obísť svojho ocka? To teda nie! A ešte k tomu bude mať aj sviatok- narodeniny. Zatiaľ nemám jeho fotku s čiapkou, ale ako model mi poslúžil Šimonko. Je mu síce trochu veľká, ale tak sa mu páčila, že ju nechcel dať z hlavy...
Since, I was already knitting for men in our family, how could I leave my dad out? His birthday are coming up. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo with him yet, but I have a very good model right at home. The size is a bit off, but he liked it so much that would not take it off his head...
Since, I was already knitting for men in our family, how could I leave my dad out? His birthday are coming up. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo with him yet, but I have a very good model right at home. The size is a bit off, but he liked it so much that would not take it off his head...
I love your model! Mozem si ho niekedy pozicat?