Keď večer deti konečne zaspia a ja mám chvíľu pre seba, veľmi rada si niečo vytvorím. Či už upletiem, uháčkujem, alebo použijem servítkovú techniku. Tentokrát som sa rozhodla, že urobím plechovku na farbičky, perá alebo ihlice, či háčiky... Je to robené spomínanou servítkovou technikou a motúzik je uháčkovaný. Ak má niekto záujem naučiť sa servítkovú techniku, odporúčam pozrieť sa tu.
I like to sit down and create something in th evenings after the kids are asleep. Either it's knitting, crocheting, or decoupage.This time, I decide to make container for pencils, or knitting needles out of the can. I used decoupage technique and I crochet a small string to tie around the can. If you would be interested learning how to decoupage, look here.
I like to sit down and create something in th evenings after the kids are asleep. Either it's knitting, crocheting, or decoupage.This time, I decide to make container for pencils, or knitting needles out of the can. I used decoupage technique and I crochet a small string to tie around the can. If you would be interested learning how to decoupage, look here.
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