Viem, už začal pôst, ale ja sa ešte vrátim k nášmu farskému karnevalu. Naši chlapci síce potrebovali nejaký čas, aby sa zaklimatizovali, ale potom sa tam cítili tak dobre, že sa im ani domov nechcelo ísť. Náš kaplán (v prestrojení za vlka) je úžasný človek. Má charizmu pre prácu s deťmi. Vymýšľa pre nich rôzne aktivity a sám sa na nich aktívne zúčastňuje. Deti a aj mi rodičia ho máme veľmi radi.
I know, the lent already started, but I am going to go a few days back to our carneval. Even though our boys needed some extra time to jump in and enjoy it with others, after all they liked it so much, it was hard to go home. Our pastor (in the wolf costume) is an amazing person. He is so charismatic while working with children. He comes up with all kinds of activities for them and then he participates in them as well. All of the kids and us parents like him very much.
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