Dnes som sa rozhodla upiecť Jablčné koláče. Pomáhali mi aj deti.
I decided to make the apple braids today. I even got some helpers.
Na cesto potrebujeme:
For dough:
- 450 g hladkej múky / 450 grams all purpose flour;
- 1/2 kocky droždia (alebo 1 sáčok sušeného droždia) / 1 dried yeast package;
- 80 g cukru / 80 g sugar;
- štipka soli / pinch of salt;
- 50 g strúhaných mandlí / 50 g almonds;
- 1 KL škorice / 1 tea spoon cinnamon;
- 400 ml vlažného mlieka / 400 ml milk (the room temperature);
- 80 g roztopeného masla / 80 g melted butter
First, mix yeast with a little bit of sugar and the 100 ml of milk to make the yeast mixture..( sorry, I am missing the correct term here.).Next, we warm up the milk and butter so the butter melts. Then mix together all the other ingredients to make a dough.
After we mix it well, cover it and place somewhere warm to rise(about 30 minutes).
Kým nám cesto kysne, urobíme si náplň:
- 500 g nastrúhaných jabĺk
- 100 g cukru (môže byť škoricový, vanilkový, alebo len obyčajný kryštálový)
- 500 g shreded apples;
- 100 g sugar
Pred pridaním cukru ešte jablká zbavíme prebytočnej šťavy.
Before we add the sugar, we squezee all the extra juice out of the apples.
Shape up about 5 cm roll out of the dough and cut it up to 28 even parts. From those roll out ovals.In the middle of each oval place some apple filling and roll up into the braid. (see pictures)
After I moved my braids on the baking sheet lined up with parchment paper, I covered them with the whipped egg and sprinkled with more sugar.
Bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 celsius.
hned by som si dala dakujem za inspiraciu