My shop

My shop
My shop

utorok 31. marca 2009

Športové popoludnie..../ The sporty afternoon...

Keď dnes prišli deti zo škôlky, mali veľkú chuť ísť si zahrať futbal na ihrisko. A tak sme "zbalili" Mišku a šli. Je to neďaleko nášho domu, no ja som tam dnes bola prvý krát. Bola som nadšená. Deti sa vybláznili, vybehali, babka si nazbierala bahniatka, Miška sa poobzerala po stromoch no a ja som si to tiež užívala...
Chýba vám tu niekto? Tomi a tato ostali doma a znova spolu majstrovali, tentokrát robili skrinky do kúpelne. Ale o tom až nabudúce.

When the boys came home from preschool, all they wanted to do was play soccer outside. So we packed up Miska and went. The soccer field is not that far from our house, but I was there first time today. I loved it. The boys ran around and played, grandma picked up some pussy willows growing by there, Miska was amazed by all the trees around and me? I just enjoyed it all.
Do you miss anyone? Well, daddy and Tomas stayed at home and again were working on something. This time it was the new shelves in the bathroom, but about that next time.

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