It is 6 am and our kids are awake and busy with their activities:
Tomi zabáva Mišku - hrá divadlo a Miška je vďačný divák...
Tomi entertains Miska - he plays the theather and Miska is excited audience. ..
Maťka nájdete pri stole, ako si kreslí...
Matko is behind the table, drawing...
Ľubko so Šimonkom sa hrajú s autodráhou...
Je príliš skoro na vstávanie? To naše deti neriešia, veď deň je taký krátky a oni chcú toho toľko stihnúť...
Lubko and Simonko are playing with cars...
Is it too early to wake up at 6 am? Our children are not considering that. The day is too short and they have so much to do...
Na jasne mami, treba vstat a hrat sa. my mame tolko roboty ze inak by sme to nestihali. :)