" Ozaj? A kto nám ich urobí?" spýtala som sa.
"No, ty, mamka." zaznela odpoveď.Mala som inú predstavu o dnešnom obede, no vyhovela som svojím deťom a naozaj, dnes máme langoše.
"Mom, we are going to have Langose tomorrow", decided Lubko last night.
" Really, and who is going to make it for us? I asked.
" Well you mommy." He answered.
I already had another plans for today's lunch, but I decided to fulfill their wish, so we have Langose today.
Ak by ste mali chuť si ich tiež urobiť a nemáte ešte recept, tu je:
1 kg hladkej múky;
1/2 l mlieka (ja som dala trošku viac);
1 droždie;
1 kyslá smotana;
2 vajcia;
trošku soli;
trošku cukru (na kvasok).
If you feel like langose as well, here you go:
1 kg all purpose flour (about 6 cups)
1.2 l of milk (I used a bit more)
1 fresh yeast
1 sour cream
2 eggs
and a bit of sugar (for the yeast)
"Mom, we are going to have Langose tomorrow", decided Lubko last night.
" Really, and who is going to make it for us? I asked.
" Well you mommy." He answered.
I already had another plans for today's lunch, but I decided to fulfill their wish, so we have Langose today.
Ak by ste mali chuť si ich tiež urobiť a nemáte ešte recept, tu je:
1 kg hladkej múky;
1/2 l mlieka (ja som dala trošku viac);
1 droždie;
1 kyslá smotana;
2 vajcia;
trošku soli;
trošku cukru (na kvasok).
If you feel like langose as well, here you go:
1 kg all purpose flour (about 6 cups)
1.2 l of milk (I used a bit more)
1 fresh yeast
1 sour cream
2 eggs
and a bit of sugar (for the yeast)
Urobíte cesto a čo je na tomto recepte zaujímavé je, že sa potom cesto vloží do olejom vymasteného mikroténového sáčka (pozor, dosť nakysne!) a vloží sa do chladničky. Tam vám vydrží aj týždeň. Ja som si tak cesto pripravila ráno, použila som 3 sáčky a šla do mesta. Keď som sa vrátila, príprava obedu mi trvala možno 15 minút a ešte máme v chladničke cesto aj na večeru. A ešte jeden tip: ak tvarujete langoše, nepoužívajte múku, ale vymastite si tácku aj ruky olejom. Múka sa vám neprepáli a je to aj jednoduchšie.
Dobrú chuť!
Mix everything together, then place all of the dough into zip lock bag that you covered with oil on the inside (be careful it grows quite a bit) and put it into the fridge. You can keep it in the fridge up to a week. I made my dough in the morning, used three bags and went to town. When we came back, to prepare the lunch took only about 15 minutes and we still have some dough in the fridge for dinner.
One more tip: while stretching out langose, don't use flour, but rather oil. This way your frying oil won't be burned so fast and it is also easier this way.
Dobrú chuť!
Mix everything together, then place all of the dough into zip lock bag that you covered with oil on the inside (be careful it grows quite a bit) and put it into the fridge. You can keep it in the fridge up to a week. I made my dough in the morning, used three bags and went to town. When we came back, to prepare the lunch took only about 15 minutes and we still have some dough in the fridge for dinner.
One more tip: while stretching out langose, don't use flour, but rather oil. This way your frying oil won't be burned so fast and it is also easier this way.