Dnes som mala doma len 3 deti - Tomáška, Matúška a Mišku, ostatní boli u babky. Ráno sme si spolu premysleli, čo nás dnes čaká. Napísali sme si plán a pustili sa do práce...
I only had three kids at home today - Tomas, Matus and Miska. The other two were at grandma's house. We planned our day in the morning, wrote up our to-do lists and started the work...
Maťko upratoval. Najprv sa mu nechcelo ale potom sám od seba umyl zrkadlá...
Matko was cleaning up. First he didn't feel like it, but then he even clean the mirrors...
Tomi sa učil, má síce prázdniny, ale ďalšie dni budú dosť nabité a tak je lepšie sa pripraviť do školy už dnes.
Tomas was working on his homework. Even though the Easter break jsut started, we will have some busy days in front of us, so it was better to prepare for school today.
Pustili sme sa aj do zdobenia perníkov... Na to, že sme to robili prvýkrát to dopadlo celkom slušne.
Later, we started to decorate our cookies... For doing it for the first time, we did pretty good.
Bola aj rozprávka pre Mišku. Tentokrát Maťkova verzia Červenej Čiapočky...
We didn't forget about the fairy tail for Miska, this time Matko's version of Little Red Riding Hood...
Večer sme sa zahrali na holičstvo...
We play barber shop in the evening...
No a keď už všetci zaspali, mňa čakala ešte takáto kopa prádla na žehlenie...
After a busy day, when all were sleeping, this is what was waiting for me to iron...