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utorok 7. apríla 2009

Kohútiky v žeruche.../ The roosters in the Bitter-cress...

Ešte som nepísala o našej babke Evke, ktorá je veľmi kreatívna a rada tvorí s deťmi. Minulý týždeň vymyslela pre deti toto:
nasadili žeruchu do mištičiek, ktoré slúžia na podávanie vajíčok na mäkko,
do stredu postavili vajíčkového kohútika...

I didn't write about our grandma Eva, who is very creative and loves to make crafts with kids. Last week she came up with this idea:
Kids sprinkled the seeds of Bitter-cress in little plates meant for soft boiled eggs, they placed the decorated rooster egg in the middle....

Vyzeralo to takto. Každý deň to polievali a sledovali ako žerucha rastie...
This is how it looked like when they finished and they watched Bitter-cress to germinate...

Prešlo pár dní a misky sa zazelenali... Vyzerá to krásne a ak si pomastíte chlieb s maslom a posypete žeruchou (vlastnoručne dopestovanou), máte super raňajky, či večeru...

After few day, the plates greened up.... It looks beautiful and if you want you can sprinkle some of this green on your bread with butter and have a wonderful breakfast or light dinner...

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