We had a beautiful weather on Sunday, so we decided to take a bikes out and head out to the near by forest...
Vstup do lesa máme trošku ťažší, bicykle bolo treba vytlačiť...
The entrance is bit harder from our side, so we had to push more than ride...
Potom sa už všetci rozbehli... Then, they all went on...
Aj Miška bola na kolesách. Zatiaľ iba na tých kočiarových, ale o rok sa už aj ona povezie v sedačke...
Miska was also on the wheel. For now only on those stroller ones, but next year she'll be riding along in the bike seat...So Šimonkom sme sa otočili po dvoch kilometroch, ostatní šľapali ďalej...
After 2 kilometers Simon and me turned around, the others rode on further...
Keď nohy odpočívali, posilnili sme sa jabĺčkami...
While legs were taking a break, we got some strength from apples..
A tu sú naši štyria cyklisti...
And here are our four cyclists...
Na Vianoce sme od sestry dostali takúto knihu, je perfektná. Sú tam stromy, kvety, trávy, huby, vtáky, zvieratá, hmyz, ktoré na prechádzkach a výletoch vidíme, ale nevedeli sme o nich nič, dokonca ani ako sa volajú. Teraz si zbalíme knihu so sebou a keď nás niečo zaujme, prečítame si o tom.
We got this little book for Christmas, we love it. There are trees, flowers, mushrooms, birds, animals, and insects that we see often on ur forest walks, but didn't know much about till now. Today we took the book along and when we found something we were interested in, we read about it.
Napríklad týchto kvietkov je teraz plný les a my už vieme, že je to Veternica hájna...
For example: Now we know that the flowers that are all over the forest are "Veternica hajna"...
Ajka, vyzera to tak ze ste prezili nadhernu nedelu.