No a večer, keď všetci zaspali nastal čas pre moje pletenie, respektíve Miškine rukavičky... Podarilo sa mi ich dokončiť, tak vám ich predstavujem.
It was a good day..
The whole house smelled after freshly made Apple bread this morning, once again... Miska took an unexpected longer nap (2 hours, which is rare), so I had time to finish some tasks that have been waiting for awhile - clean out the closet, laundry, cook, and even sit down with computer. Boys managed to finish their homework and prepare for midterm tests much faster as well..
Well, and after all were in their beds, there was still time to knit and finish Miska's strawberry mittens..
Here they are...
Ajka ja nemam slov...perfektne!!!Tento jahodkovy komplet robis podla nejakej predlohy alebo len z vlastnej hlavy? Rozmyslam ze by som nieco taketo ustrikovala aj ja...strasne sa mi to paci:-)