Maťko a Tomi chodia na Erko - stretko. Pred Vianocami si vymieňali darčeky. Tomáško dostal veľmi zaujímavý svietnik. Maťka to inšpirovalo a vyrobil si aj on vlastný - morský...
Matko and Tomi attend "Erko" - kids meeting. They had a gift exchange for Christmas this year. Tomi received very interesting candle holder.
Matko liked it so much, that he decided to make one of his own - sea inspired one...
Tie rybičky sú samolepky z takej penovej gumy. Je to úplne jednoduché, ale pekné, čo poviete...Matko and Tomi attend "Erko" - kids meeting. They had a gift exchange for Christmas this year. Tomi received very interesting candle holder.
Matko liked it so much, that he decided to make one of his own - sea inspired one...
He used fish - foam stickers. It was a very nice and simple project. What do you think?
Keď prišiel večer a my sme sa s deťmi stretli pri večernej modlitbe, tieto svietničky nám spríjemňovali spoločnú chvíľu...
At the time of our evening prayer with kids these candles created beautiful and peaceful atmosphere...
At the time of our evening prayer with kids these candles created beautiful and peaceful atmosphere...