Zakaždým, keď otvorím umývačku riadu a Miška je nablízku, pribehne ku mne a už sa pustí do príborov... Vyberá, podáva mi ich a pri tom si mumle niečo, čo intonáciou zneje ako "nech sa páči...". A ja jej za každú lyžičku, či vidličku odpoviem: "Ďakujem...". Má z toho veľkú radosť a neskončí, kým všetko nie je na svojom mieste. Potom jej dám veľkú pusu za pomoc. No dúfam, že ju nadšenie neopustí a vyrastie mi z nej pomocníčka.
Every time when I open our dishwasher and Miska is in the kitchen, she runs forward and starts helping with the silverware. She picks them up and hands them to me one at the time while mumbling something that sounds like "Here you go..". And so I after every spoon say "Thank you". She loves it and won't finish until all the silverware is in place. Then she gets a big kiss from her mama for all the help. I really hope that this helping mode will go on and she keeps helping me as she grows.
Every time when I open our dishwasher and Miska is in the kitchen, she runs forward and starts helping with the silverware. She picks them up and hands them to me one at the time while mumbling something that sounds like "Here you go..". And so I after every spoon say "Thank you". She loves it and won't finish until all the silverware is in place. Then she gets a big kiss from her mama for all the help. I really hope that this helping mode will go on and she keeps helping me as she grows.
Tomi sa už dávnejšie (neviem, či nie krátko po tom, ako vedel, že budeme mať dievčatko) zamýšľal nad tým, ako to bude, keď podrastú. Rozdelil každému nejakú úlohu. Jeden mi bude pomáhať s nákupmi, ďalší s umývaním okien, ďalší budú u babky s tatom kopať v záhrade no a Miška a ja budeme variť a piecť, aby mali čo jesť, keď prídu hladní chlapi domov... :-)
Tomi planned the division of work in our house long time ago ( I think it was shortly after we found out we are having a girl.) He decided that one of the boys would help me with groceries, one with washing windows, the others would help in the garden at the grandma's house and Miska would help me to cook and bake, so when they come home there is food ready. :-)
Minulý týždeň som si kúpila takúto zaujímavú vlnu. Mám oranžový šál, ktorý veľmi rada nosím, no nemám k nemu čiapku a tak som sa pustila do niečoho pre mňa...
I found this very interesting yarn the other day. I already have an orange scarf that I love, so I decided to make a matching hat. Something for me at last...
I found this very interesting yarn the other day. I already have an orange scarf that I love, so I decided to make a matching hat. Something for me at last...
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