Keď som dnes ráno chystala raňajky a pozrela som von z okna, uvidela som takúto nádheru. Najskôr bola hustá hmla, ale keď zmizla, vyzeralo to, ako v rozprávke...
While making breakfast this morning, I looked out to this wonderful view. The day started with thick fog, but after it went away it looked like from a fairy tale...
While making breakfast this morning, I looked out to this wonderful view. The day started with thick fog, but after it went away it looked like from a fairy tale...
After we stepped outside... Look what fog and frost can do...
Večer sme sa vracali domov a ja som rada, že som so sebou mala fotoaparát, pretože som mohla tú nádheru zachytiť. Dnes mi táto inovať urobila pekný deň...
We walked home in the evening and I was glad to have my camera on me again. Something this pretty can make a great day..
We walked home in the evening and I was glad to have my camera on me again. Something this pretty can make a great day..
And one more time Miska's strawberry set:
Keď som jej ráno ukázala rukavičky, hneď si pýtala aj čiapku a šál a predvádzala sa ešte v pyžamku pred zrkadlom. Naša malá parádnica!
When I showed her the mittens in the morning, she asked for hat and scarf right away so she could present herself in the mirror, still in her pajamas. Our little model!
When I showed her the mittens in the morning, she asked for hat and scarf right away so she could present herself in the mirror, still in her pajamas. Our little model!
I wanted one more shot when all dressed for outside, she didn't like that as much...
Nadherne fotky...aj nas rano cakala podobna sceneria. Mia bola stastna ako blska bo do skolky isla na sankach:-) A Miska v tom perfektnom komplete vyzera na zjedenie:-)))Ajka prosim posli mi svoj mail...moj je dakujem
OdpovedaťOdstrániťNadherna jahodka...
OdpovedaťOdstrániťMy sme mali to iste tu v Illinois..