After busy Sunday followed nice and simple days. I was able to finish hand warmers to match my hat...
Now, since it is pretty cold here, i wear them like this.
Lubko was busy with blocks today even though I pulled them out for Miska. First, he built castle and then he asked for more to add on the wall...
Lubko's wall...
While in town, we stopped in Umelecky raj(Artist's paradise) yesterday. I picked up some of the caring pictures again. This time for Simon. He was so happy, that he started right after we got home.
Look at the lion he carved, except he forgot to make sure that Miska won't get close.. She wanted to try as well.
The other day, I realized that it was somehow too quiet in the house.. and after I checked on them in their room, every single one was sitting with a book.
Tomi and Matko were deeply interested in books by Thomas Brezina, they are their favorite at this time.
Lubko and Simi pulled out magazines "Vilduv Svet" which we were buying a while ago. (very nice magazine that I would recommend).
And Miska? She pulled out her favorite book as well.
She loves to help and always when I am doing laundry, she comes in and tries to hide in the closet for cleaning supplies, she is "reorganizing them for me"...
Perfektne rukavice...
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDeticky mas uuuzasne. Brezina aj u nas leti...najprv sme ich kupovali, ale kedze tieto knizky vycitali chalani za jedno poobedie tak ich uz nosime z kniznice:-)
Aji, rukavice su super! Musis zapozovat aj s ciapkou.. :)))) Som rada ze Miske sa knizka paci...