Nedávno som našla príspevok "Upečte si korálky". Veľmi ma to zaujalo a chcela som aj ja vyskúšať vytvoriť si takú nádheru... Tento týždeň sme boli s deťmi v meste a navštívili sme aj predajňu Umelecký raj, v ktorej som našla hmotu Fimo, potrebnú na korálky. Kúpila som si zatiaľ dve farby- čiernu a bielu a uvidím, ako mi to pôjde.
Just recently I found the post about "Baking beads". I really like the idea and wanted to create such a beautiful beads myself. This week, while we were in the town, we visited store" Umelecky Raj " (Artist Paradise), where I found the clay FIMO required for the beads. I only bought black and white to try it out.
I made four flat pieces out of both colors, which I layered. Then, I cut, added, and rolled out these beads.
Now I need to bake them at 110 Celsius for about 30 minutes. Well, and of course make necklace...
Ajka, tie su nadherne! Dufam ze nam ukazes aj hotovy nahrdelnik samozrejme s modelkou.