Ja nemám recept a varím len tak od oka, ale tentokrát so si ingrediencie navážila.
Na halušky pre 7 ľudí potrebujeme:
1200 g očistených zemiakov;
300 g hladkej múky;
300 g hrubej múky;
2 vajcia (nemusia byť);
Halusky for seven people:
1200 grams peeled potatoes;
300 g all purpose flour;
300 g coarser flour;
2 eggs (optional);
and salt.
I wrote about making halusky recently, but I didn't leave the recipe. For us, Slovaks, this is the traditional food and everybody knows it. We all love them in our house, so I make them often.
I don't have an exact recipe, but for this purpose I actually went ahead and weighted all of my ingredients.
Na halušky pre 7 ľudí potrebujeme:
1200 g očistených zemiakov;
300 g hladkej múky;
300 g hrubej múky;
2 vajcia (nemusia byť);
Halusky for seven people:
1200 grams peeled potatoes;
300 g all purpose flour;
300 g coarser flour;
2 eggs (optional);
and salt.
I use a mixer (blender) like this to shred the potatoes, it is very fast this way. It is better to add potatoes slow (one after another). Before you start, i recomend to put one egg or a bit of water at the bottom. If you don't have blender like this, you can shred potatoes by hand with the very fine grater.
Add all of the remaining ingredients to the potato mixture and mix to create dough like this.
I check for the correct density of the dough by scooping the dough on the wooden spatula. When it slowly falls down it is ready.
Do vriacej osolenej vody potom pomocou sitka s veľkými dierkami vhadzujeme halušky. Také veľké množstvo, ako robím ja, je potrebné vyvárať v dvoch hrncoch, aby sa nám halušky nezlepili alebo sa na dne nepripálili.
You do want to put a large pot full of water and bit of salt on your stove in advance, so by now your water will be boiling. Use colander like this (with the larger holes) to throw the mixture into the boiling water to create noodles. I make so much that I need to have two pots ready, so my noodles won't stick together.
Ak robím halušky z tvarohom, prepražím si maslo.
Ak sa rozhodnem urobiť bryndzové, alebo s kyslou kapustou, prepražím slaninku.
If making halusky with cottage/farmer cheese, I first melt up a butter. In case, I make halusky with brynza (sheep cheese, similar to goat cheese) or sour kraut, I frie up some bacon instead.
Halušky scedíme, vlejeme k nim maslo, premiešame a pridáme tvaroh. Ja som teraz použila asi 45 dkg tvarohu. Ako som už písala, môžeme si urobiť aj halušky s bryndzou alebo s kyslou kapustou.
When halusky are ready (it won't take long), we strain them, add butter (or bacon) and mix in the cottage cheese (or brynza). I used about 45 g of tvaroh.
Varenie halušiek mi zaberie tak 45 minút a to už rátam aj čistenie zemiakov.
Ak sa rozhodnete urobiť si toto výborné jedlo, prajem dobrú chuť.
We like these with some kefir or sour cream. If we make them with brynza we even add shreded cheese on top.
It takes me about 45 minutes to make halusky, including the time to peel potatoes.
If you decide to make this delicious meal, please let me know and ... Enjoy!
It takes me about 45 minutes to make halusky, including the time to peel potatoes.
If you decide to make this delicious meal, please let me know and ... Enjoy!
Mnam, co ine mozem povedat. normalne mi tecu slinky.