Mali pripravené rôzne súťaže pre 4-členné družstvá. Tie si deti vytvárali samé, ale podmienka bola, že mali byť zmiešaní skauti s neskautmi.
Z našich chlapcov mal odvahu súťažiť len Maťko. Tomáško odmietol a ostatní sú ešte malí. Po zaregistrovaní mohli začať...
It's been a while since we were playing with the idea of putting our boys in scouting.Today we had a chance to spent our afternoon with local scouts, so we took advantage of it.
The had prepared four competing groups, mixed with scouts and other kids.
Out of our four boys, the only brave one was Matko. Tomas did want to have to do with it and the two others are still a bit young.
After the registration, we could start...
The had prepared four competing groups, mixed with scouts and other kids.
Out of our four boys, the only brave one was Matko. Tomas did want to have to do with it and the two others are still a bit young.
After the registration, we could start...
Myslím si, že skauting je pre chlapcov veľmi dobrý. Budeme o tom ešte doma rozprávať. Bola by som veľmi rada, ak by sme mali doma skautov.
While Matko was competing, Tomas just watched, and Lubko and Simonko rode their bikes...
I think, that scouting would be great for our boys. Will try to talk about it at home. Having boy-scouts at home, would make me one happy mom.
I think, that scouting would be great for our boys. Will try to talk about it at home. Having boy-scouts at home, would make me one happy mom.
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