Tento týždeň som sa konečne pustila do práce, ktorú nemám veľmi rada a to je pratanie skríň. Ako deti rastú, potrebujú stále iné veci, mnohé sú im už malé, je potrebné ich vymeniť za väčšie... Okrem toho, bývame v trojizbovom byte, kde už začíname mať problém s priestorom, hlavne tým úložným, keďže je nás už sedem... Preto som nútená odkladať sezónne veci do vriec a "čarovať" pri hľadaní miesta.
Väčšinou píšem o veciach, ktoré mi robia radosť, tentokrát mi urobilo radosť to, že už to mám za sebou, teda aspoň do jesene...
This week, I finally started to work on cleaning of the closets, task I don't like too much. As kids are growing, I need to keep up with switching sizes for each of them. Also, we are living in two bedroom flat, and are really short on storage space, since we are family of seven.
This is why I need to pack all off season clothes into the bags and do some real magic to find place for them.
I usually write about things that make me happy. This time I am happy to be done with this, well at least until fall.
Väčšinou píšem o veciach, ktoré mi robia radosť, tentokrát mi urobilo radosť to, že už to mám za sebou, teda aspoň do jesene...
This week, I finally started to work on cleaning of the closets, task I don't like too much. As kids are growing, I need to keep up with switching sizes for each of them. Also, we are living in two bedroom flat, and are really short on storage space, since we are family of seven.
This is why I need to pack all off season clothes into the bags and do some real magic to find place for them.
I usually write about things that make me happy. This time I am happy to be done with this, well at least until fall.
Here is something more positive. I started to crochet a dress for Miska to match her new hat. I am planning on crocheting the top and finish the rest with some fabric, depending on what I'll find...
Mas toho dost. Tie hackovane satocky budu krasne, mozem pomoct s latkou? teda pri vybere? poslem nejake foto na vyber?